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Michael A.

En Meme Temps at Cheltenham Festival Trials – 25th January 2020

En Meme Temps at Cheltenham Festival Trials – 25th January 2020 1024 683 Michael A.

What Are the Perks of Racehorse Ownership?

What Are the Perks of Racehorse Ownership? 1024 683 Michael A.

While owning a racehorse can be a far-out idea for the majority of people, the luxurious benefits of becoming a syndicate member can be well worth the money, especially if you’re a huge racing enthusiast. Go the races? Enjoy it to its best.

Ownership in a Horse

Owning a racehorse can be done in many forms, but the most common is through syndication. What this means is that percentage shares of the horse are sold at a more affordable price, but still with all of the benefits that a full owner would have.

Sharing Ownership

The question often arises – how does my percentage of ownership reflect what perks I have? Well, it’s fairly simple. You get to enjoy all the perks, but if your horse finishes in the prize money, you’ll get a percentage of the prize winnings proportionate to your ownership. For more information on how the prize winnings work, get in touch and we’ll give you a full rundown.

One of the best things about having a shared ownership is the community. Being able to attend the races, discuss your own horse with other members and meet new racing enthusiasts. This really provides a new social circle for you to be a part of. Enjoy the races together, celebrate together.

What are the perks?

Beyond the experience, community and thrill of being at the races cheering on your horse to win, you also get access to the following:

  • Private and regular stable visits for you to see your horse’s trainer in action
  • Regular updates on training, progression and race entries
  • Enhanced race day experience; including Owners’ Badges, access to the pre-parade and parade ring, meetings with the jockeys, and jockeys’ insights and strategies for the races
  • Your share in prize winnings

Sounds good? Get in touch and let’s have a chat. We’re sure that we’ll be able to provide an opportunity that will suit your lifestyle and enhance your experience at the races.

What is it Like to be a Racehorse Owner?

What is it Like to be a Racehorse Owner? 1024 683 Michael A.

When people think of owning a racehorse, many instantly have it in their mind that it is going to break their bank. Although becoming a racehorse owner is a luxurious and prestigious experience, you don’t have to break the bank to enjoy all the perks; there are options available for all different kinds of budgets.

What Does it Mean to Own a Racehorse?

While there are mainly two different styles of ownership – leasing and buying – we’ll focus on buying which means that any owner or shareholder “owns” the horse, or at least a percentage in the horse. This means that when the racehorse wins, all shareholders get the winning profits as a percentage equal to their ownership.

What are the Different Types of Ownership?

There are many ways that you can own a horse. While some methods bare a heavier burden on the wallet, your potential earnings will scale with how much percentage of a horse you own.

Sole Ownership

With this being the most expensive, but potential most rewarding way to own a horse, Sole Ownership means that you are the one and only owner of a racehorse. This means that 100% of the winnings will go towards you, however, you will have to pay a trainer to train the horse for you (unless you’re experienced or a trainer yourself). This usually comes in the form of a monthly fee.

When looking to purchase a horse for sole ownership, the price you may have to pay can greatly differ based on the horse that you’re buying. Some yearlings sell for up to £3m, but others may sell for £20,000 or less. It is mostly based on the pedigree of the horse and the sire / mare’s track record.

Part Ownership

In a similar fashion to sole ownership, part ownership is investing in a horse with others in order to have percentage ownership in proportion to how much capital each individual puts into the purchase of the horse. For example, two people putting 50% of the costs each would result in both owners receiving 50% of the winning profits each.

Purchasing a horse with part ownership prices will vary depending on what percentage of the racehorse each participant is willing (or wanting) to pay.


For those that are looking for a more affordable way to experience all the benefits of racehorse ownership, syndication is a great method. Racehorse syndicates (like Hope Eden) purchase horses then sell smaller, scalable percentages to members. Even buying a 5% share in a horse will grant owners access to the parade ring, private boxes, owner bars, and stable visits to view the horses in training.

While the upfront cost will scale with what percentage of a horse you buy, smaller shares are often less than £1000 up front with monthly fees varying from trainer-to-trainer.

What Perks Are There For Owning a Racehorse?

Owning a racehorse grants many benefits that can greatly enhance the racing experience. Having a large share or full ownership of a racehorse usually means that the owner can rename the horse to their liking. Above this, all prize winnings will scale proportionately meaning that 100% ownership will result in 100% of the winning stakes to the sole owner.

The usual perks that ownership will grant at different racecourses are:

  • Owner’s Badge – passes for race meetings, allowing access to the Paddock, Winners’ Enclosure and Owners’ Bar.
  • Owner’s Briefings – regular feedback from your trainers about progress, race entries and more.
  • Stable Visits – regular stable visits are organised so you can meet your horse’s trainer and see them in action.

Syndicate Owners Experiences with Owning a Racehorse

Don’t just take our word for it – read some of the reviews of racehorse owners here at Hope Eden:

“Great time with Hope Eden with very friendly and great stable visits. If you’re thinking of joining a syndicate I can highly recommend Hope Eden.” – Terry Cleary, Hope Eden Racing Syndicate Member

“Just started out in this venture so looking forward to the start of the season, good guys behind the scenes good fun and banter” – Neil Morrison, Hope Eden Racing Syndicate Member

“We’re new members that went down with our two children and visited a horse we have interest in. Great lasses and lovely stables. Can’t wait to get more involved and go down more!” – Laura Gibson, Hope Eden Racing Syndicate Member

I’m Interested in Owning a Racehorse

So, you’re interested in owning a racehorse? Why not get in touch to discuss what syndication options are available for you! We have a range of opportunities and we’re sure that we can find something suitable for you.